BadComrade.Com is the result of a marketing class i took over 30 years ago where we we learned about a branding strategy called positioning. I quickly came to the realization the CEO of a socialist or communist media platform uses a simple highly visible positioning statement that creates a position of superiority for his journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, “experts” and entertainers by inducing hatred against anyone who opposes creating fairness and equity through slavery.

I felt that positioning was such a fundamental cornerstone of a well rounded marketing strategy that it would just be a matter of time before someone with a marketing degree went into Paul Revere mode:

I was wrong on so many levels. Because if you think about it - the warning Paul Revere passed along to his neighbors on April 18, 1775 might contain a nugget of truth for the patriotic nationalist who live in England today.

Once I decided to start writing down my thoughts, the difficult part became trying to keep my arms around the cascade of negative consequences the enemy of a leftist party must face when we are linked to negative emotional events in the minds of our neighbors. Whenever I became lost or felt hopeless contemplating the gravity of the situation we all face - I could always find inspiration in fact that a leftist party cannot survive without a media machine driven by mass induced hatred.

The concept of malignant positioning is new and gives conservatives, liberals and socialists the power to create innovative new ways to unite in a global movement to turn off the spigot of mass induced hatred at the source.

I’m just a simple guy trying to make his way through life and my goal is to make the world a better place by destroying the foundation of the ultimate master/slave state once and for all. I truly believe that “Together We Can” learn from the masters of leftist party promotion to gain a better understanding of how protect humanity from the use of malignant positioning “at scale” in the minds of the masses or “at scale” in the minds of your own audience.

Take care and have a good day : )

John Galt Jr.