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For News and Opinion Without the Communist Slant (TM) - support small market capitalism by checking out our latest tee-shirts and swag by clicking here:
If you’re new to badcomrade.com the following is an executive summary of how we will use the power of positioning - the branding strategy most marketing majors learn in Marketing 101, to unite conservatives and liberals in a global movement to turn off the spigot of leftist party hatred at the source.
The key to leftist party power is a single root manipulation or positioning statement the CEO of a leftist media platform uses to cut through the clutter of politics to create a position of superiority for his journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, “experts” and entertainers by inducing hatred “at scale” in the minds of the masses against anyone who opposes fundamentally transforming your country into a leftist shithole:
At badcomrade.com we use the concept of malignant positioning to create innovative new ways to isolate and attack the root manipulation supporting the entire weight of any leftist party ever created:
“Together We Can” make the world a better place by winning the battle of the mind in the war against the master/slave state that has beset humanity since the beginning of civilization.
But time is getting short…
A Position Of Superiority Based Upon Mass Induced Hatred
A whole of society approach to leftist slave state promotion.
You might be in the middle of another leftist party jihad to smite the infidels in our midst if the CEO’s of their media platforms are shining the light on the enemy their government must destroy to make the world a better place:
Something is wrong with the media.
Fortunately what the problem is and what we can do about it - is right out in the open for the world to see.
The entire weight of a leftist party rests upon the root manipulation the CEO’s of their media machine uses to induce hatred against the enemy “at scale” in the minds of the masses by linking conservatives and neo-liberals to negative emotional events we are hardwired to avoid.
The Universal Hatred Equation
The Enemy + Negative Emotional Event = Hatred Against The Enemy
Back in the day, the CEO’s of leftist media machines such as The Peoples Observer (Nazi), Pravda (“Truth”- USSR) and The Peoples Daily (CCP) would induce hatred against their neighbors with simple highly visible statements that directly linked the enemy to strong negative emotional events such as greed, corruption, disease and evil monsters lurking under the bed:
If leftist party hatred has progressed since the gold class of fascist, socialist and communist parties used the power of their government enforcement agencies to starve out and murder over 100,000,000 innocent people - its the sheer number of additional negative emotions today’s rats, vampires and snake spirits are guilty of:
The difference between a leftist media chief such as Joseph Goebbels and the rest of us is a deep understanding that when you link the enemy to a negative emotional event in the minds of the masses - you create a position of superiority for your journalists, bureaucrats, politicians, experts, entertainers and the sub-elite members of his party:
A position of superiority based upon mass induced hatred is the mind virus that animates the malevolent spirit of every leftist party that has been spawned since karl marx crawled out from under his rock and vomited forth the communist manifesto:
As a dog returns to its vomit - so does a leftist media chief to his sin:
Through concept of positioning, the branding strategy most corporations use to manipulate us into buying products and adopting lifelong brand loyalty, we at badcomrade.com name the leftist mind virus a malignant positioning statement.
Malignant Positioning
The Enemy + Negative Emotional Event = Leftist Party Superiority
In Marketing 101 they’re not going to teach you how the CEO of a leftist media platform uses malignant positioning statements in a highly malevolent way to create a withering barrage of highly targeted hatred against individuals, groups of people, entire countries, free market capitalism and the principles of western civilization.
Nevertheless, corporate positioning can be used by the enemy of a leftist party to break through the hatred bubbling up all around us to deconstruct the position of superiority a leftist stands upon:
Positioning gives you the power to see the “big picture view” through the eyes of one group of leftist media chiefs who use one simple root manipulation to induce hatred against anyone who opposes “saving the planet” by enslaving the planet in a one world order that will eventually be divided into warring communist monopolies:
(To all the leftist party journalists who are riding the tidal wave of mass induced hatred into a lifestyle of fame, fortune and power as your party sucks a greedy capitalist country dry - read George Orwell’s 1984 to see the legacy your leaving for Generation Alpha journalists when a communist media chief takes over your platform.)
But we digress…
Let’s take a look at a simple branding strategy we all use to manipulate people we want to manipulate into taking the kind of action we want them to take by targeting strong emotions that touch their souls.
Corporate Positioning
Most corporations (except for the medical industrial complex) - use simple positioning statements (advertisements, tag lines or slogans) that cut through the cutter to create a positive position for their brand name or product by linking it to a positive emotion in your mind:
Positioning is an easy concept to understand. The hard part is wrapping your mind around how powerful a positioning statement can be
“A Diamond Is Forever” is an example of one of the most powerful positioning statements ever created by a cisgendered biological white woman. By linking diamonds to marriage in the minds of the masses first - Mary Francis Gerety, a copywriter for an advertising agency, literally forced emerald, sapphire and ruby companies out of the newlywed market and was directly responsible for untold billions of dollars in sales for DeBeers since 1947.
You don’t have to be a marketing major to understand how positioning works because on a personal level - we all use positioning statements to create a positive position in the minds of our audience by linking our “brand name” to positive emotions:
A positioning statement can also be used in a cunning way to create a positive position for your brand name or product by linking your completion to a negative emotion.
Back in the 60’s Hertz dominated the rental car market. Avis, a much smaller competitor, used a brilliant positioning statement that linked Hertz to a negative emotional event (bad customer service) in the minds of the consumer:
The art of effective positioning is the silent part you don’t have to spell out:
Carving out market share at the expense of your competition by linking them to poor customer service they are “too busy” to provide is pretty cute. However, using positioning statements in a highly malevolent way to link the competition to negative emotional events humanity is hardwired to avoid such as greed, corruption, disease and racism- is where the power of positioning really shines.
If Avis was a fascist corporation united with a leftist government and wanted to monopolize the car rental market - the media chief in charge of their leftist advertising agency would induce hatred against Hertz by rolling out a malignant positioning statement directly these free market capitalist pigs to negative emotions you don’t have to experience to understand how painful they can be:
The first time you “see” a leftist party positioning statement that induces hatred against the competition to create a position of superiority for their believers - you give yourself the wisdom to understand what their masters mean instead of what they say:
At badcomrade.com we utilize the concept of malignant positioning to create innovative new ways to isolate and attack the root manipulation supporting the entire weight of the leftist party in your country.
Malignant Positioning
A position of superiority based upon induced hatred.
Breaking through mass induced hatred to attack the position of superiority a fascist or socialist stands upon is the key to protecting humanity from the slavery their communist masters have to offer.
You don’t have to work in a leftist media platform to understand how malignant positioning works.
If you (or someone you know) has a proclivity towards malevolence - the source of your superiority over someone you intentionally want to hurt is to link your victim to a negative emotional event in the minds of your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers:
A position of superiority based upon inducing hatred against your victim “at scale” in the minds of your audience - creates a quick and dirty moral authority that justifies harassment, intimidation and violence against her:
If you have a proclivity towards leftist party superiority - the source of your malevolency against thy neighbor is based upon the exact same root manipulation a school yard bully uses to justify punching you in the face:
Malignant positioning shines the light on why the enemy must protect themselves from a position of guilt:
The concept of malignant positioning can also shine the light on why the elite of a leftist party has nothing but contempt and scorn for you and the people who vote for them.
The fundamental problem conservatives, liberals and leftists who participate in a free market capitalist system must face is - Western Civilization took a nose dive when global corporations discovered the efficiency and profitability the slave labor a communist monopoly has to offer:
Climate change isn’t about saving the planet - it’s a malignant positioning strategy designed to make everything equal and fair by maximizing profits for fascist corporations that are directly linked to a government controlled by a leftist party. Progress is what happens when the neocommunists who control the enforcement agencies nationalizes the racist local police, takes over the military and starts shooting fascists and socialists in the streets.
In other words, when the gold class of a leftist party colonizes the bureaucracy of a capitalist country from within - they give themselves the power to utilize their enforcement agencies to create equality of outcomes through slavery by forcing all the natives (leftist party members included) to produce and pay for the food, clothing, shelter, drugs and electricity owned by a small group of hyper-wealthy communists:
Communism, in the end, is nothing more than an extreme form of capitalism where the owner of your company can force you to show up to work on time and produce your quota in a workman like fashion or evict you and your family from the rental property he owns and starve you to death by turning off your bank account.
As history has proven over the course of eastern civilization - creating equality of outcomes through slavery works.
If the United States becomes a speed bump in the war against the ultimate master/slave state - Generation Z will be the last generation to feel what the concept of freedom from communism was all about:
To appreciate the magnitude of what it means to be linked to negative emotional events in the minds of the leftist party - it is important to wrap your arms around how leftist superiority soaks into the fabric of a country to create a “whole society approach” to systematically inducing hatred against conservatives and liberals on a national, state and local level.
The Catastrophic Benefits Of Malignant Positioning
When you isolate the root manipulation supporting the entire weight of any master/slave state that has ever been created (or being created today) its easier to think like a communist who can send someone down to shoot you in the face.
A position of superiority based upon mass induced hatred creates a staggering array of catastrophic benefits for the gold class of unelected communists who occupy the bureaucracy:
Politically Correct Leftist Party Line
As a journalist in a leftist media platform your livelihood depends upon toeing the party line in order to avoid getting attacked by your peers. The Politically Correct Leftist Party Line sets the militant tone of your organization and provides strict commandments you must abide by to fit into your proper class under the ultimate white patriarchy:
Thought Crimes
For the crime of not toeing the Politically Correct Leftist Party Line, thought criminals can expect a withering barrage of highly targeted hatred from the leftist media machine that justifies using the power of government regulatory agencies to destroy them:
DEI = Legal Political Discrimination
DEI is the use of malignant positioning by the Human Resource Director of a leftist organization to collaborate with the lawyers and judges of a leftist democracy to legally discriminate against anyone who opposes fundamentally transforming your country into a communist slave state:
The Later Day Church Of Neocommunism
In a leftist party - the church is the state and the unelected gold class of neo-comms who occupy the bureaucracy use the godlike power of their enforcement agencies to smite the sinners in our midst.
White Leftist Supremacy
Why are the white people who join a leftist party not racist? Maybe its because when crackers join a leftist revolution - they get to wash away their sins of white supremacy to create a position of white supremacy over the bronze class of their party:
The Slavery of Dependency
The elite of a leftist party specializes in using the power of government to take money from the participants in a free market capitalist country to destroy it from within by creating a slavery of dependency on their party:
Critical Racist Theory
The kids market is an extremely lucrative market because their minds are like blank slates when it comes to utilizing positioning statements that carve out a positive position for your brand name, video game or communist party. And if you can do it before the competition - the completion is effed.
Critical Race Theory is the use of malignant positioning statements to create a position of superiority for leftist school administrators, school boards and their teachers unions by inducing hatred against conservatives in the minds of our children:
And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of malignant positioning.
Unfortunately… it gets much worse.
The holy grail in positioning is “the first one in wins”. And by this measure - conservatives and liberals are in much more danger than they realize.
When DeBeers linked diamonds to marriage in the mind of the masses first - they cornered the newlywed market because diamonds are forever and emeralds are not.
The fundamental problem conservatives and liberals face is when you, your party, your religion, your culture, your country, free market capitalism and the principles of western civilization are linked to a negative emotion in the mind of a true believer in using the power of a leftist government to destroy your ignorant neighbors - it is very difficult to reverse:
But it can be done.
And that’s what BadComrade.Com is all about.
“I’m not a communist.”
Utilizing a grass roots approach to repositioning the elite of the leftist party back to their communist shithole.
Destroying The United States of America and the principles of Western Civilization with what amounts to the root manipulation a school yard bully uses to justify punching your mother, sister, daughter or wife in the face is not something BadComrade.Com can abide by.
The concept of malignant positioning not only isolates the root manipulation a leftist media chief uses to promote the slavery they have to offer - it also shows us how powerful a repositioning strategy can be.
The key to saving the planet without enslaving the planet is to create a media platform that will unite conservatives and liberals in a peaceful global movement to reposition the elite of the leftist party in your country back to the slavery their communist masters have to offer:
Because, in the end, all we’re looking at a simple manipulation we all use to induce hatred against someone we intentionally want to hurt used at scale in the minds of the masses by the CEO’s who control leftist media platforms.
We can do this.
Until next time - help support a small market capitalist pig by buying one of his tee shirts, passing along a meme or following BadComrade.Com to get news and opinion without the communist slant.